The Campaign for Food As Medicine is on! You can help!

Healing is a journey.  As you get ready to embark on your way to better health, you arm yourself with as much information as you can and stock up on food staples that will nourish you.  When you begin down the path, the adventures are full of new discoveries and beautiful scenery.  But, things are not easy on this trail.  You might experience a setback when you realized you went down the wrong route and you have to start over.  Or, the process might take longer than you expected.  Hopefully, you meet many others on the way who are also taking this journey that will give you support.  This journey to heal will change you.

The process of making a documentary is another kind of journey.  We have met some amazing people along the way who are healing themselves and working to heal their communities.  We have put together a team to carry the message over the distance.  At this point in our process, we need your support to get us there.

Please support us on Kickstarter, if you can!  You can also help us by sharing the campaign with your friends.  You can even share it with your doctor!  Thank you for all of your continued support!


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